Do we really dine out or eat out?

It seems the current market in the African market has given rise to high disposable income which explains the continued growth of the hospitality sector.However while this may be a good sign of growth in the national and global grid of economies there grows a concern whether what we have is a fad or it will last to be a permanent boost to the is with this concern that i question whether we dine out or eat out.

This is due to the fact while there might be alot of food bloggers in the region ,they seek to offer quality food photography and descriptions of what  they ate while sponsored by this new restaurants and implying it to there so called followers on social media .There has to be respect to the growth of this industry which requires us to create and build a new food culture by understanding and respecting all aspects of this industry.

For really the major difference between dining out and eating out is while eating out you just enjoy food for what is on the plate ,real dining out aficionados understand and have come to accept the success,the love and the ability of this industry solely  relies in the appreciation and critique of the very foundation of us which is the farm to table concept .

perhaps somehow someday we can start to understand and fall in love with techniques in cooking rather than recipes,varied organic farm produce than commercial farming but more so the beautiful family behind each successful plate.

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